1 minute read

Admission Letter

Now, I just start the pilgrimage to computational neuroscience.

May the force (of the LORD) be with me.

April 11, 2006

Jeong-Yoon Lee 421 S.Hobart Blvd., #105 Los Angeles CA 90020

Dear Jeong-Yoon,

On behalf of the Computer Science Department, I would like to offer my congratulations on your acceptance to the Ph.D. program, starting Fall 2006. You are one of the very few candidates to have been selected, from over 500 applicants worldwide. In addition, you have been awarded financial aid, which will be sent under a separate cover.

Given your stated research interests, we strongly encourage you to contact Professor Nicolas Schweighofer (schweigh@usc.edu, 323.442.1838).

This letter is an informal (but definite) acceptance by the Computer Science Department. The formal acceptance letter from the University is sent under separate cover.

All newly admitted international students whose native language is not English should carefully review the “English Language Requirements” information sent by the USC Office of Graduate Admissions. The Graduate School requires that its students adhere to these policies.

For more information on the department and our degree program, please visit our webpage at www.cs.usc.edu or contact the graduate advisor, Siria Martinez, at siriamar@usc.edu.

Congratulations once again and we look forward to seeing you.

Sincerely yours,

Gerard Medioni Professor and Chairman GM/sm

