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First Test at USC

Today, I took the first mid-term at USC. It was for EE464, ‘Probability Theory for Engineers’. In fact, it is kinda a basic course in Electrical Engineering and I already took it six! years ago at SNU. However, at that time, I wasn’t good at it and didn’t understand even Bayes’ rule which is one of the most popular, usefule and easist! theories. But now, I am doing very well at the class and get to be confident in probability theory. 🙂

Anyway, before taking the exam, I was nervous a little bit because it was the first exam at USC and I used to make a lots of mistake in exams. After the exam, I could feel that I failed to get an one-hundred points on it… I seemed to get a more than an one-hundred points! because there was an extra credit problem. 🙂 Yeah, I am bragging~ hehe~ Good night.

