less than 1 minute read

Where To Go

  1. To pursue the Ph.D degree at Nicolas’ lab next year or
  2. To try to transfer to another better grad schools two year later.

Pros for 1:

  • I can save time to get a Ph.D by applying 1 year earlier than usual.
  • I don’t have to wonder about a funding anymore because Nicolas promised a RA position during Ph.D.
  • Machine Learning and computational neuroscience looks so interesting.
  • I can participate a research very soon and may be able to write a paper.
  • Nicolas seems to be VERY nice and passionate.
  • Members of lab are also nice.

Cons against 1:

  • USC doesn’t rank high in computer science or neuroscience.
  • In Korea, it is not easy to get a job in neuroscience.

Hmm… It seems to be better for me to accept the suggestion. Let’s listen to my Lord. Thanks.

‘Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men’ – Colossians 3:23

