1 minute read

Flat Tire

Today, after a service in Fullerton, I was on my way to a cell church in LA and driving by 80 miles/hr on the 110 N freeway. Then suddenly, my tire exploded and my car slowed down and stopped in the very middle of the freeway.

Fortunately, I could exit to a sideway safely with the help of the car in the next line. The tire was totally teared away and my bumper was also severly scratched. Furthermore, the side lamp was crashed. However, except that, everything was fine (including myself).

After calling my insurance company, waiting for their arrival, I looked over myself, and what I had wondered about lately. Then I figured out how weak and bad what I thought about was.

Now, I think that was a kind of God’s rebuke on me, and I will try to listen to His voice.

The LORD has chastened me severely, but he has not given me over to death. – Psalms 118:18 –

I’ve had this kind of car accidents three times in my life. Once in Korea and twice in LA. Everytime, it was really scary situation, but I was totally fine and not hurted at all.

I feel the favor of God is always with me and gaurd me. Thank you so much, God. Praise be to the Lord, my God.

The LORD watches over you–the LORD is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will keep you from all harm–he will watch over your life; – Psalms 121:5-7 –

